La elección entre el recuento celular manual y automático ha sido durante mucho tiempo difícil, ya que el primero es preciso, pero requiere mucho tiempo y está sujeto a errores del usuario. El recuento celular automatizado, por el contrario, es más rápido y menos dependiente del usuario, pero los consumibles de portaobjetos desechables pueden ser costosos.
El nuevo contador de células de Corning® es el primer contador de células automatizado que combina lo mejor de ambos mundos.
- Rápido: debido al procesamiento de imágenes en la nube
- Preciso, debido a su algoritmo de aprendizaje automático
- Bajo coste, no se requieren consumibles
1 disponibles
1 disponibles
Contador Celulas CORNING
Accurate Cell Counts in a Flash
For years, the choice between manual and automated cell
counting has been a difficult one. Manual cell counting, on
the one hand, is accurate, but time-consuming and very userdependent. Automated cell counting, is much faster and less
user-dependent, but the cost of disposable counting slides can be
an issue. A tough choice, but now there is a solution.
Three-second Cell Counts
Contador Celulas Corning can perform a single cell count in less
than three seconds*. This is much faster than most automated
cell-counting systems. With traditional systems, the image
analysis algorithms must be processed on a relatively small
onboard computer. The Corning Cell Counter, utilizing the
CytoSMART™ Cloud App, can process the images in the Microsoft
Azure Cloud Computing Platform. This cloud computing ability
means that it can analyze the images faster than any existing
onboard processer can.
Higher Accuracy
Contador Celulas Corning uses a sophisticated Deep Neural
Network for cell detection. This state-of-the-art image analysis
software allows for optimal accuracy. When Trypan Blue is added
(Figure 1) the system can also detect cell viability. The Corning Cell
Counter can detect clusters of cells, which leads to accurate cell
counts of “highly concentrated samples” (up to 1 x 107 cells/mL;
Contador de Celulas – Specifications
Counting range 5 x 105 to 1.0 x 107 cells/mL
Counting range 10 to 70 µm
Measurement time <3 sec.*
Compatibility Reusable and disposable counting
Sample volume 10 µL
Weight 1.0 kg
Field of view 2.0 x 1.5 mm
Magnification 200X
Image resolution 2048 x 1536
Exported formats PNG
Light source LED
Camera 5 MP CMOS
Unit dimensions 90 x 90 x 100 mm (L x W x H)
Operating environment 5°C to 40°C, 20% to 95% humidity
*Measured using a 73 Mbps download speed and a 20 Mbps upload speed. Actual speed can
vary depending on the internet connection.