Si quieres comprar hisopo torunda para el covid o para otras muestras relacionadas con otras enfermedades puedes comprarlo en
Medio de transporte y conservación de virus (Inactivado) para recogida de muestras NASALES, evita el riesgo de infección por aerosol y es adecuado para muestras de virus.
Código: YMJ-TE2
Contenido: 1x 3 mL of inactivated medium, 1 x nasopharyngeal swab
Presentación Caja 50 Swabs

1. Medium: biocomma® transport and preservation medium (classic) adds antibiotics, BSA, cryoprotectant, biological buffer and amino acid on the basis of Hank’s solution, which has better maintenance capability of virus integrity than Hank’s solution;
biocomma® transport and preservation medium (inactivated) adds cryoprotectants, biological buffers, amino acids, guanidine salts, and RNA protectants on the basis of Hank’s solution, which can be used to lyse viruses and release nucleic acids directly, thereby eliminating RNase and making virus to lose its abilities of infection, causing disease, and reproduction without affecting the protein primary structure of the virus.
2. Swabs: Optional Oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs, the flocked swab tip has a higher collection and release rate to ensure the accuracy of PCR test result. The plastic shaft made of ABS material has an unique breakpoint design, and the breaking process is microdebris-free.