Mostrando 1–24 de 30 resultados
- Cultivo Celular
Mycoplasma Detection Kit qPCR
Fast and simple real-time PCR detection kit that replaces the direct method of mycoplasma negative testing
• Demonstrated the performance to satisfy the negative test of Mycoplasm based on nucleic acid amplification method of domestic, US and European Pharmacopoeia
• Suitable for process inspection before, during, and after manufacture of pharmaceuticals in regenerative medicine fields such as cell therapy and contamination monitoring
• High sensitivity (10 cfu / ml level) as an alternative to the direct method
• High specificity that does not detect other related microorganisms (including 3 strains related to domestic negative test validation)
• Closed pipe can be checked to prevent contamination by the result and use real-time PCR method to check the result within up to 3 hours of use
• Easy handling, minimizing deviation or contamination between experimenters
SKU: 25245 / 50 Test
SKU: 25245 - Con Filtro
Puntas Con Filtro 20ul AmpliPur GILSON
Ajuste excelente, las consejos de AmpliPur Expert están diseñados para adaptarse a varios marcas de pipetas para una máxima comodidad en el mesa de trabajo. Equipados con un filtro, también ayudan a prevenir contaminación cruzada.
SKU: F174101
Precio Caja 10 Racks, Total 960 Puntas
SKU: F174201 - Diagnostico
Analizador Automatico Hematologia
Como miembro importante de la familia de analizadores BIOBASE, la aparición del analizador automático de hematología BK-3100 tiene un significado clínico importante para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades.
¡Novedades-Analizador automático de hematología BK-3100!
Inicialmente, el analizador automático de hematología solo podía contar glóbulos rojos y glóbulos blancos, pero con la mejora de la tecnología, el analizador automático de hematología tiene la detección de hemoglobina, plaquetas, volumen promedio de glóbulos rojos y otros parámetros de glóbulos.
En la actualidad, el analizador automático de hematología se ha convertido en uno de los instrumentos de detección más utilizados para pruebas clínicas en el país y en el extranjero.
¡Novedades-Analizador automático de hematología BK-3100!
El analizador de hematología automático BK-3100 es la nueva generación de productos de instrumentos analíticos desarrollados de forma independiente por BIOBASE, que supera con creces a productos similares en términos de fuerza integral. Por ejemplo, una pantalla LCD más grande, menos muestras para analizar, se puede encender durante 24 horas continuas y la eficiencia de detección por hora es mayor, etc.
¡Novedades-Analizador automático de hematología BK-3100!
Con el avance continuo de la tecnología, BIOBASE también evoluciona con los tiempos en el campo de los dispositivos médicos. La llegada del Auto Hematology Analyzer BK-3100 es una representación. Si está interesado en los productos BIOBASE.
SKU: BK3100 - Limpiador Bromuro, RNA Kits, RNA Total, Soluciones etBr, Sustituto Bromuro
Invitrogen™ Reactivo descontaminación RNase AWAY™ 1 Litro
Limpiador Bromuro, RNA Kits, RNA Total, Soluciones etBr, Sustituto BromuroInvitrogen™ Reactivo descontaminación RNase AWAY™ 1 Litro
Solución lista para su uso para eliminar la contaminación por ARNasa y ADN del instrumental de laboratorio.
Marca: Invitrogen™ 10328011
Presentación: Botella 1 Litro
SKU: 10328011 - EDUCACIONAL, Termocicladores, Termocicladores Convencionales
Laboratorio Movil PCR #4
Laboratorio Movil PCR completo para usar en cualquier circunstancia
El Kit incluye:
- 4 miniPCR® mini8 thermal cycler (upgrade to mini16 available)
- 4 blueGel™ electrophoresis system
- 8 H-series micropipettes 2-20 μl
- 1 H-series micropipettes 1-10 μl
- 1 H-series micropipettes 20-200 μl
- 200 μl micropipette tips, 2 racks of 96
- 10 μl micropipette tips, 2 racks of 96
- Portable carrying case
SKU: LB-2500-08
SKU: LB-2500-08-1 - Cultivo Celular
Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit
The e-MycoTM VALiD Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit is product for the verification of mycoplasma contamination in biological materials.
- • Simple to Use
- – This e-Myco™ VALiD Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit contains all the components for the PCR reaction.
- – You just add template DNA or samples.
- • Speed – 3 hours
- – Replace traditional 28 days culture testing with the kit within 3 hours
- • Smart – internal control and 8-MOP
- – Internal control system embedded in the product prevents misjudgment that possibly arises from an erroneous PCR test.
- – This kit can eliminate carry-over contamination with 8-MOP activation.
- • Steady – Broad Species Detection
- – You can detect common cell culture-infecting species of mycoplasma and also other various species of mycoplasma.
- • Sensitive and reliable
- – Highly sensitive PCR test for the detection of Mycoplasmas al least 10 CFU/ml
- – Test for validation according to the KFDA testing guidance similar with E.P. 2.6.7 directive.
- – This test is suitable for release testing and in-process control.
- – It can replace culture and indicator cell tests.
SKU: 25239 / 48 Test
SKU: 25239 - Con Filtro
Puntas Con Filtro 200ul AmpliPur GILSON
Ajuste excelente, las consejos de AmpliPur Expert están diseñados para adaptarse a varios marcas de pipetas para una máxima comodidad en el mesa de trabajo. Equipados con un filtro, también ayudan a prevenir contaminación cruzada.
SKU: F174101
Precio Caja 10 Racks, Total 960 Puntas
SKU: F174301 - EDUCACIONAL, Termocicladores, Termocicladores Convencionales
Termociclador – Laboratorio Movil PCR #2
EDUCACIONAL, Termocicladores, Termocicladores ConvencionalesTermociclador – Laboratorio Movil PCR #2
Termociclador Laboratorio Movil PCR completo para usar en cualquier circunstancia
El Kit incluye:
- 1 miniPCR® mini8 thermal cycler (upgrade to mini16 available)
- 1 blueGel™ electrophoresis system
- 3 H-series micropipettes: 1-10 μl, 2-20 μl, 20-200 μl
- 200 μl micropipette tips, 2 racks of 96
- 10 μl micropipette tips, 2 racks of 96
- Portable carrying case
SKU: LB-2500-08
SKU: LB-2500-08 - Porcino, Termocicladores, Termocicladores Convencionales
Virus Peste Porcina ASFV Real-time PCR Kit
LiliF® ASFV Real-time PCR Kit was approved as a veterinary medical device by the Quarantine Headquarters (Permission Information: Animal Medical Device No. 133-25 High Risk Animal Contagious Disease
As a product obtained from genetic test reagent), the target gene, p72 gene, can be qualitatively detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction (Real-time PCR).
This is a product that has been implemented.
SKU: IP14001 / 50 Test
SKU: IP14001 - Con Filtro
Puntas Con Filtro 1000ul AmpliPur GILSON
Ajuste excelente, las consejos de AmpliPur Expert están diseñados para adaptarse a varios marcas de pipetas para una máxima comodidad en el mesa de trabajo. Equipados con un filtro, también ayudan a prevenir contaminación cruzada.
SKU: F174101
Precio Caja 10 Racks, Total 960 Puntas
SKU: F174401 - Termocicladores, Termocicladores Convencionales
Termociclador Bloque 16×0,2ml.
MP-16 Mini PCR instruments is an ultra-light ultra-thin thermal cycle gene amplification instrument. Using 5-inch TFT high-definition true color full touch LCD screen, the whole program displays in real time withcurve graph, par-ameter modification intuitive and convenient. Using the latest generation of semiconductor heat pump technology, excellent temperature accuracy and uniformity and have extremely high temperature change speed, to ensure high-quality experime-ntal results. Mini portable can be used on-board.
SKU: 20171019134935
SKU: 20171019134935 - Termocicladores, Termocicladores Convencionales
Termociclador Bloque 32×0,2ml.
MP-16/MP-32 series Mini PCR instruments is an ultra-light ultra-thin thermal cycle gene amplification instrument. Using 5-inch TFT high-definition true color full touch LCD screen, the whole program displaysin real time with curve graph, par-ameter modification intuitive and convenient. Using the latest generation of semiconductor heat pump technology, excellent temperature accuracy and uniformity and have extremely high temperature change speed, to ensure high-quality experime-ntal results. Mini portable can be used on-board
SKU: 20182892716
SKU: 20182892716 - Agitadores, Plataforma
Agitador Orbital
Orbital shaker is compact and amazingly designed. It is used for any mixing applications in different industries. Built with DC brushless motor, adopted micro-computer control technology, the orbital shaker is easy to operate. Gentle shaking, it is applied in different laboratories of molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, chemistry, etc. It is low-energy, safe, stable and no nois.
SKU: Gs-10, GS-20 y GS-30, Elige tu modelo.
SKU: GS-30 - Agitadores, Instrumentacion de laboratorio, Plataforma
Agitador para 4 Placas
Micro plate shaker MIX-1500 is mainly applied in solution mixing and shaking with PCR plate (96-holes/384-holes), cell culture plate (24-holes/48-holes/96-holes etc.) for immunoassay and dyeing experiments. It is safe used in low temperature environment or low temperature incubator. MIX-1500 is designed compact with simple and convenient operation. It uses DC brushless motor, safe, stable and no noise..
SKU: MIX-1500
SKU: MIX-1500 - Agitadores, Instrumentacion de laboratorio, Plataforma
Baño con Agitacion
SWT-100 water bath shaker is a temperature controlled thermostat water bath and oscillator combined biochemical equipment, mainly applicable to colleges and universities, medical, petrochemical, health and epidemic prevention, environmental monitoring and other research departments for biological , Biochemical, cell, bacteria and other liquid, solid-state chemical oscillation. It is an indispensable laboratory equipment for precision cultivation of plant, biology, microbe, genetic virus, medicine, environmental protection and other scientific research, education and production departments.
SKU: 2018289816
SKU: 2018289816 - Centrifugas, No Refrigeradas
Centrifuga para Microplacas PCR
MINIP-2500 micro-plate centrifuge is a unique mini instantaneous centrifuge which is special designed for the 96-hole micro plates. It can quickly spin down droplets and condensation. It is used before and after thermal cycling to improve PCR yield. Put the micro plate from the slots of the top vertically (leakage for liquid will be kept in the micro plate under the action of surface tension), the spin-down work is easily finished. Two operation modes humanized configured – short mix and time setting operation, makes the experiment more convenient and efficient.
SKU: MINIP-2500 - Agitadores, Incubadores, Plataforma, Uncategorized
Incubador Con Agitación ES-60
ES-60C Incubator Shaker is one kind of temperature controlled biochemical instrument combining incubation and shaking function. It is widely used in cell culture, fermentation, hybridization, biochemistry, research of enzyme and cell tissue, etc. which requires higher quality of temperature controlling and shaking speed. It can dynamically and statically cultivate microbial cell and all kinds of strains.
SKU: ES-60C - Agitadores, Incubadores, Plataforma
Incubador Con Agitación Serie ES
The Micro-Plate incubator shaker ES-60E is one temperature controlled biochemical instrument combined incubation and shaking function. It is widely used in cell culture, fermentation, hybridization, biochemistry, research of enzyme and cell tissue, etc. which required higher quality of temperature controlling and shaking speed. It can dynamically and statically cultivate microbial cell and all kinds of strains.
SKU: ES-60+
SKU: ES-60+ - Instrumentacion de laboratorio, Centrifugas, No Refrigeradas
MicroCentrifuga 15.000 RPM
The miniature high-speed centrifuge MC-15 is compact designed. It is streamline elegant and small size. With variable frequency motor, MC-15 has excellent acceleration to achieve target speed / stop to save time.
SKU: MC-15
SKU: MC-15 - Centrifugas, Instrumentacion de laboratorio, No Refrigeradas
Mini Centrifuga
Mini centrifuge combination series is perfect designed with novel and unique appearance. It is pretty and skillful, equipped with a combined rotor and several tube carriers for 2.0ml / 1.5ml / 0.5ml / 0.2ml tubes and 0.2ml x 8 PCR tube rank. It is designed for feeling. Open/close the cover will automatically start/stop the centrifuge. Built-in timing function.Humanism is fully displayed in its transparent roundness cover, several rotors, and tube carriers forchoice.
SKU: 201792293652
SKU: 201792293652 - Instrumentacion de laboratorio, Termobloques
Mini Termobloque Incubador
The mini dry bath is a micro-processor controlled heating block with heater (heating types) or semiconductor refrigeration (cooling types) technology. It adapts onboard use, smart, light and convenient for movement, suit for any kind of occasions. The type 100F is with fan for heat dissipation, which makes temperature down much faster than nature cooling.
SKU: MINIB-100I - Instrumentacion de laboratorio, Termobloques
Mini Termobloque Incubador Refrigerado
The mini dry bath is a micro-processor controlled heating block with heater (heating types) or semiconductor refrigeration (cooling types) technology. It adapts onboard use, smart, light and convenient for movement, suit for any kind of occasions. The type 100F is with fan for heat dissipation, which makes temperature down much faster than nature cooling.