
dNTP Mix Solution 10mM

dNTP Pure Nucleotides as mixture of 10 mM each (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP in a clear solution)

Applications for dNTPs (Nucleosidtriphosphat) mix solution:

  • All molecular biology applications
  • PCR/qPCR
  • Reverse transcription
  • DNA labeling
  • DNA sequencing

SKU: 25002


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18 disponibles

dNTP Pure Nucleotides as mixture of 10 mM each (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP in a clear solution)

Mixture of Nucleotides (dNTP mix) 4×10 mM (40 mM) (clear solution of dntps )

dNTPs as mix of 10 mM solution each nucleotide. Ultra pure mixture of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP),

Each lot of dNTP set or mix is tested functionally by a set of PCR, RT-PCR and Klenow reactions. All dNTPs are screened for remains of bacterial/human DNA, DNases, RNases, nicking enzymes or proteases.

Description dNTP mix:

dNTP-sets from GeneON have PCR Grade and contains four separate tubes of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP supplied as aqueous solutions at pH 8.5. The dNTP-Mix contains an optimized mixture of dNTP`s with 10 mM of each nucleotide.

Stability tests / Quality Tests dNTP mix

Quality control dNTP mix in liquid form:

– purity: purity test with RP-HPLC: greater 99 % (stable from lot-to-lot)
– Amplification tests:
Lambda DNA: 18 kb long fragment, less than 20 pg template
RT-PCR: Human DNA, 600 bp fragment, less than 20 pg template
– Free of bacterial – and human DNA
– Free of: DNase, RNase, Protease and no nicking activity
– produced in German factory (ISO: 9001)

dNTP Set: Composition

2′-Deoxyadenosine 5′-triphosphate, sodium salt
CAS Number: 1927-31-7
Formula: C10H13N5O12P3 (Anion)
Molecular weight: 488.16 g·mol-1
Concentration: 10 mM
2′-Deoxycytidine 5′-triphosphate, sodium salt
CAS Number: 102783-51-7
Formula: C9H13N3O13P3 (Anion)
Molecular weight: 464.13 g·mol-1
Concentration: 10 mM
2′-Deoxyguanosine 5′-triphosphate, sodium salt
CAS Number: 93919-41-6
Formula: C10H13N5O13P3 (Anion)
Molecular weight: 504.16 g·mol-1
Concentration: 10 mM
2′-Deoxythymidine 5′-triphosphate, sodium salt
CAS Number: 18423-43-3
Molecular formula: C10H14N2O14P3 (Anion)
Molecular weight: 479.14 g·mol-1
Concentration: 10 mM

dNTP-lot test series

Nucleotide Test sheet: dNTP set quality control
SKU: 25002 Categoría: Etiqueta:

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