2X Master mix UDG-PCR System
1 disponibles
1 disponibles
All the reagents needed for the reaction are contained in a single solution in the tube, and the Uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) system is applied to prevent cross contamination, which is a concern in repeated experiments.
• PCR can be performed immediately by adding template and primer
• Uracil DNA glycosylation (UDG) applied to prevent cross-contamination
• High sensitivity and stability for general PCR and multiplex PCR and can be applied to clinical diagnosis
• Includes hot-start function to reduce non-specific amplification.
2X Master Mix UDG-PCR System is a product with uniplex / multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) capability and Uracil DNA glycosylase to prevent cross / carry-over contamination. Comparison of the performance of existing 2X Master mix flagship products confirmed the same results in the case of single amplification and multiplex amplification. In the case of re-amplification of the PCR product with dUTP / UDG system by preventing cross contamination in repeated experiment, We have repeatedly confirmed that we eliminate judgment errors by It combines the components required for PCR reaction at optimal ratio. It has the advantage of amplification efficiency and reproducibility of the existing 2X Master mix product family that can be easily processed by adding template and primer.
Kit Contents
Technical Data
Sensitivity Comparison experiment
Uniplex PCR for λDNA (1 kbp) is performed. Comparing to competitor’s product, 2X Master mix UDG-PCR System is higher than competitor’s product.
A, 2X Master mix UDG-PCR System; B, Competitor
Lane M, 100 bp DNA Marker; lane N, Negative control;
Lane 1, 200 pg gDNA, Lane 2, 40 pg gDNA; lane 3, 8 pg gDNA; lane 4, 1.6 pg gDNA; Lane 5, 320 fg gDNA; lane 6, 64 fg gDNA; lane 7, 12.8 fg gDNA
Multiplex PCR for E59 is performed. Comparing to competitor’s product, 2X Master mix UDG-PCR System is higher than competitor’s product.
A, 2X Master mix UDG-PCR System; B, Competitor
Lane M, 100 bp DNA Marker; lane N, Negative control;
Lane 1, 50 ng gDNA, Lane 2, 10 ng gDNA; lane 3, 2 ng gDNA; lane 4, 400 pg gDNA; Lane 5, 80 pg gDNA; lane 6, 16 pg gDNA; lane 7, 3.2 pg gDNA
Prevention of cross contamination
UDG activation is performed. (Prevention of cross/carry-over contamination)
Lane M, 100 bp DNA Marker;
lane 1, Control (not added UDG);
Lane 2 ~ Lane 8, 2X Master mix UDG-PCR System (7 times repeat test)