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Fluorómetro para ADN/ARN Fluo-100

El Fluo-100 es un fluorómetro de doble canal, proporciona una detección fluorescente de alta sensibilidad al cuantificar los ácidos nucleicos y las proteínas, aplicaciones simples y de bajo costo de operación: 1. La muestra es escasa y difícil de procesar 2. La baja cantidad de ADN, ARN o proteína después de la extracción 3. La muestra se utilizará en los costosos experimentos: qPCR, clonación por PCR, transfección, secuenciación de la próxima generación, etc.

Código: FLUO-100



1 disponibles

1.960,00 2.990,00

1 disponibles

Fluorometro Fluo-100 

Our nano series Micro-Spectrophotometer measure the concentration and purity of the sample, because it is able to measure the absorbance of the whole ingredient(such as DNA, RNA, oligos and so on) of the sample at 260nm, that may make the read inaccuracy. While the fluorometer measure the fluorescence intensity of the fluorescent reagent which combine with the target molecule to read the concentration of sample. Generally, the read is lower than Nano series products but much accuracy than it

The sensitivity of Nano series products are above 5ng/ul, and while the fluorometer is 0.5pg/ul in measuring DNA concentration. It is important and necessary for the most applications to read the lower and accuracy concentration of the sample. Using the Fluo-100 fluorometer with the quantitation kit can measure the sample concentration rapidly, sensitively and accurately

Fluo-100 Simple, easy to use and applications

Is a dual-channel fluorometer, it provides high-sensitive fluorescent detection when quantifying nucleic acids and proteins, simple and cost to operate
1. The sample is scarce and difficult in processing
2. The low quantity of DNA, RNA, or protein after extraction
3. The sample will be used in the expensive experiments: qPCR, PCR cloning, transfection, the next generation sequencing and etc.

Two detection models of Fluo-100

  Code  Light  Excitation Filters  Emission Filters
  Fluo-100A  UV  365±20nm  420-480nm (60nm)
  Blue  460±20nm  525-570nm (45nm)
  Fluo-100B  Blue  460±20nm  525-570nm (45nm)
  Red  625±10nm  670-725nm (55nm)
  Fluo-100C  Blue  460±20nm  525-570nm (45nm)
  Green  525±20nm  575-640nm (65nm)

Fluo-100 Quantitation kit

High sensitivity of dsDNA Quantitation Kit: 0.2–100ng
High sensitivity of ssDNA Quantitation Kit: 1–200ng
Broad range of dsDNA Quantitation Kit: 100–1600ng
Protein Quantitation Kit is researching

Fluo-100 Quantitation kit operation


Application of different fluorescence channel

 ChannelExcitation Filters Normal kits Applications
UV channel 365±20nm Hoechst 33258, 4-MU,
EnZCheK Caspase
 Nuclear acid quantification, Plant GUS reporter gene detection, Poptosis detection
Blue channel 460±20nmPicoGreen®, oligreen,RiboGreen®,
GFP, Protein, Fluorescein, Quant-iT™
 dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA quantification, GFP gene detection,
Fluorescein detection, Protein detection
Green channel 525±20nmRhodamine, Cy3,
RFP Vybrant Cytotoxicity
 Rhodamine detection, Cy-3 fluorescence labeling detection,
RFP gene detection, Cell activity poison detection
Red channel 625±10nm Cy5, Quant-iT RNA Cy-5 fluorescence labeling detection, RNA quantification

Ordering information

 Code Description Code  Description
 AS-18010-00 Fluo-100A Fluorometer, DC12V 1A RS-FL0101-S
 High-sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation kits (100 assays)
High-sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation kits (200 assays)
High-sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation kits (1000 assays)
 AS-18020-00 Fluo-100B Fluorometer, DC12V 1A
 AS-18030-00 Fluo-100C Fluorometer, DC12V 1A RS-FL0102-S
 Broad-range dsDNA Quantitation kits (100 assays)
Broad-range dsDNA Quantitation kits (200 assays)
Broad-range dsDNA Quantitation kits (1000 assays)
 AS-18011-01 Adapter for 0.5ml qPCR tube (Standard)
 AS-18011-02 Adapter for 0.2ml qPCR tube (Options) RS-FL0103-S
 High-sensitivity ssDNA Quantitation kits (100 assays)
High-sensitivity ssDNA Quantitation kits (200 assays)
High-sensitivity ssDNA Quantitation kits (1000 assays)


1. Simple – 4.3 inch touch screen, small and easy to use
2. Easy measurement within 3 sec for DNA, RNA, and protein
3. High sensitivity – Lowest DNA detection limit is 0.5pg/ul
4. Two optical channels – Equipped with two fluorescence channels for nucleic acid, protein quantitation in one detection
5. Linear Dynamic Range–Five orders of magnitude.
6. Opening system–You can match the instrument with the reagent you choose
7. It can save at most 1,000 data and output data by USB port
8. Adapter: 0.5ml qPCR tube adapter 0.2ml qPCR tube adapter


Light sourceLED
Dynamic rangeFive orders of magnitude
Linear Dynamic RangeR >0.995
SensitivitydsDNA: 0.5ng/ml
Measurement speed3s (Once)
Dimension (W×D×H)mm194×155×72.5 mm
Weight (kg)0.4Kg
SKU: FLUO100 Categoría:


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