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COVID-19, covid-free, Felino, Por PCR
Test felino prc coronavirus covid 19
El kit LiliF ™ CCoV RT-PCR fue diseñado para detectar las proteínas no estructurales del coronavirus canino directamente sobre la base de la base de datos genética y para detectarlo de manera muy rápida y precisa. RT-PCR, reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa) se utiliza para amplificar solo genes específicos. Este es un método muy rápido y confiable.
• Este producto es un reactivo de detección de genes animales que se detecta cualitativamente mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa (RT-PCR) para detectar el patógeno del coronavirus del perro del lado del animal, hisopo y extracto intestinal.
• En otras palabras, una sustancia de control positivo, agua libre de DNasa / RNasa, suministrada a partir del ARN viral extraído del Kit de Extracto de ARN Viral Animal, se pueden agregar hisopos y exudados intestinales de animales para detectar rápida y cualitativamente el producto.
Cada tubo del kit contiene polimerasa, transcriptasa inversa, dNTP, tampón de reacción 10x, inhibidor de RNasa, cebadores específicos para la detección y tinte de seguimiento para la PCR de inicio en caliente, excepto las plantillas para la amplificación específica del gen del virus corona del perro. Es muy fácil agregar solo agua destilada y plantilla para RT-PCR.
MUY IMPORTANTE, estos Test solo se pueden hacer en un Termociclador NO
SKU: covidcanin-1 -
Felino, Por PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP21072 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por RT-PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP12176 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por RT-PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP12177 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por RT-PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP12178 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP11176 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por RT-PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP12179 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP11177 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP21423 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
Felino, Por PCR
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: IP21666 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase