PCR/Real Time
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- COVID-19, covid-free, PCR/Real Time, qPCR
Real-time Test PCR Kit COVID-19
COVID-19 Real-time Test PCR Kit
Producto sanitario, sólo funciona con máquina de PCR. Abstenerse particulares.
El kit GeneStore Detection Expert 1S © SARS CoV-2 es una prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa en tiempo real (rRT-PCR de un solo paso para la detección cualitativa del ácido nucleico viral del SARS CoV-2 en muestras respiratorias superiores e inferiores (hisopo orofaríngeo, aspirado nasofaríngeo y lavado broncoalveolar (BAL)) de
personas sospechosas de COVID-19 por su médico.Código: GS.D1F.31519.2.1000
Presentación 1.000 Reacciones
Precio Pack 1.000 Reacciones
SKU: GS.D1F.31519.2.1000 - Polimerasas
Taq Polimerasa c/dNTP´s
High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Pack Promo 5×500 units.Código: 25022-5
SKU: 25022-5 - High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
- COVID-19, covid-free, PCR/Real Time, qPCR
Real-time Test PCR Kit COVID-19
COVID-19 Real-time Test PCR Kit
Producto sanitario, sólo funciona con máquina de PCR. Abstenerse particulares.
El kit GeneStore Detection Expert 1S © SARS CoV-2 es una prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcripción inversa en tiempo real (rRT-PCR de un solo paso para la detección cualitativa del ácido nucleico viral del SARS CoV-2 en muestras respiratorias superiores e inferiores (hisopo orofaríngeo, aspirado nasofaríngeo y lavado broncoalveolar (BAL)) de
personas sospechosas de COVID-19 por su médico.Código: GS.D1F.31519.2.100
Presentación 100 Reacciones
Precio Pack 100 Reacciones
SKU: GS.D1F.31519.2.100 - PCR/Real Time, Polimerasas
Taq Polimerasa con dNTP´s
Taq Polimerasa is High-purity i-Taq™ PCR core kit that displays stable and efficient DNA amplification regardless of template type and reaction conditions
- 94 KDa thermostable DNA polymerase
- High purity Taq DNA Polymerase
– Removal of E. coli -derived proteins and DNA that may act as PCR sources - Applicable to DNA from cloned DNA to human genomic DNA
- Buffer optimization to show the best polymerase activity regardless of template type or reaction conditions
- Presentación: Vial 500 Units / 5U/ul
- Código: 25022
SKU: 25022 - COVID-19, covid-free, PCR/Real Time, qPCR
COVID-19 Real-time Test PCR Kit
COVID-19 Real-time Test PCR Kit
Producto sanitario, sólo funciona con máquina de PCR. Abstenerse particulares.
• LiliF™ COVID-19 Real-time RT-PCR Kit can detect the new coronavirus using probe method of Real-time RT-PCR, through the reacting of the specific primer and Fluorescent probe in sample.
• This product is provided with a quantitative aliquot of a reagent, primer and probe that performs real-time RT-PCR easily to detect new coronaviruses. The user can immediately experiment by adding RNA extracted from the sample.
• LiliF ™ COVID-19 Real-time RT-PCR Kit can detect RdRp and E gene, markers for detecting new coronaviruses. Also, N gene suggested by the US CDC and RNaseP gene which can confirm the validity of all test reactions are adopted and designed for simultaneous detection.
Código: IPH21505.50 / 50 Test
SKU: IPH21505.50